Thursday, December 17, 2015

Happy Birthday Ludwig

In case you missed it, here's the doodle celebrating LV Beethoven's 245th year.  A surprisingly emotional exercise.  I think I'll be cranking the 5th over my headphones on the way home today.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Theresa Andersson

If you've never heard of her and you can drop what you're doing, watch this.  And then watch this.  Feel better?

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

They Didn't Have Toys Like That When I Was A Kid

This is certainly the sort of thing that makes for an awkward Thanksgiving table discussion.  And to think one of my great life regrets was they came out with the Big Wheel after I was too big to ride it.

Tim Cook Can Just Kiss My Ass

Grumpy Old Man Alert -
Thank You Apple for completely screwing up my Music and Podcast apps with the latest IOS update.  No I am not subscribing to Apple Music.  So, this weekend I'll carve out a few hours dicking around to find the Secret Slider in Utilities that makes all things possible, like a battered spouse locked in an abusive relationship (60G of music?  50 apps?  As a walking demonstration of Apple's business strategy, where shall I go?  What shall I do?) and at some point the clouds will part, a heavenly chorus will sing and the wisdom of the changes will become clear, but until then, hey Tim: right... there.  I'm sure we'll be best buddies later on.  It would be nice if Apple sent out a Surviving This Update guide to users, but apparently keeping their customers informed is not The Apple Way.  Now I feel better.
(This post has been edited for brevity)

Testing Testing, 1-2-3

Hey great, Dougie's got a blog.  Finally.  Welcome to the 90's big guy.  Anybody looking on, don't expect anything earth-shattering; let's leave the heavy lifting to Digby and Charlie and their ilk.  I expect this is just going to be a space to post stuff for my friends that I find interesting or funny or just too opinionated for Facebook posts (not that I've ever used Facebook).  If anything political sneaks in, or I start evangelizing for 70's progressive rock idols, you've been warned.